Want To Enhance Your Landscaping This Year? Hire An Electrician To Install Landscape Lighting

4 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog


If you have beautiful landscaping, you can continue to enjoy it at night by installing landscape lighting. If you decide to do this, you should hire an electrician to install the lighting for you. Working with electricity can be dangerous if you are not qualified to do so. Keep reading to learn more information about this so you can light up your yard.

Where to Put Landscape Lighting

The first thing to do is to decide where you want to place the landscape lighting in your yard. All of this depends on what you want to feature. For example, if you have a beautiful flower garden, lighting close to it would show it off. You could also put lighting under trees to give the appearance of a sunset. Walk around your property at dusk to see what you would like to light up at night.

Choose From Types of Landscape Lighting

When it comes to landscape lighting, there are different types to choose from. One type is overall lighting that illuminates an entire space, also known as spotlights. You could use a spotlight to highlight a tree, a structure in your yard, or a building.

Task lighting is what you would use to light a walkway or a path, also known as path lights. Path lights have small posts with a light built into them. Caps cover the light. These lights are staked so you can easily stick them into the ground. There are also solar path lights available.

Post mount lights are usually used for fencing, around a deck, or near an entry gate. These lights are installed on a post, and the post comes in varying heights.

Control the Landscape Lighting

To help you save money, there are things you can do to control your landscape lighting. For example, you likely do not want the lighting to stay on all night. There are lighting control products on the market that will automatically turn your landscape lighting off at a time that you choose, such as at 9:00 pm each night. These devices will not turn off your security lighting, however. The lighting control can also automatically turn your landscape lighting on at a time that you preset. Exactly how this works depends on the product you purchase.

The electrician that you hire from a company such as Wire Free Home Automation can give you much more information about landscape lighting, as well as help you choose a lighting control system.